Tuesday 29 March 2011

Dwarakamai-Sai Leela: Dutta Nimonkar the little boy who was named thus by Baba Himself

Dutta Nimonkar the little boy who was named thus by Baba Himself

Dutta Nimonkar the little boy who was named thus by Baba Himself

Dutta Nimonkar
January 1919:
Nana Saheb Nimonkar Shankarrao Raghunath Deshpande also known as Nana Saheb Nimonkar. Nimon is small village 20 miles off Shirdi. Balwantrao (father of Madhava Rao Deshpande i.e., Shyama) was Nimonkars uncle
Once Balwantrao took Nana Saheb to Sai Baba saying "People believe He is a mad fakir. I doubt if He is really mad, but you had better go with me, see Him and give me your opinion." Whenever Balvant had gone to see Baba the latter kept him at a distance by taking up a brickbat and either flinging it or threatening to fling it at him. Thus He kept away people from going into the Mosque where He stayed. But when Nimonkar went to see Him, He flung no stones and they approached quite close to Him. Nimonkars heart was attracted to Sai as soon as he saw Him and on his return home he assured his uncle that Baba was a Saint and not a mad man.
Balwantrao wondered why stones were hurled when he went to Baba formerly but not on the present occasion. "That is because you doubted if He was mad, but I did not” said Nimonkar Since then, Nimonkar paid annual and later biennial or more frequent visits to Baba — as his faith was steadily increasing.
Nanasaheb was an Honorary Magistrate of Sangamner and there he met Nana Sheb Chandorkar (the Collector’s Chitnis ) who also was an admirer of Baba and both would talk together about Baba. When Nana Saheb Chandorkar started the idea of rebuilding Baba's Musjid and collected subscriptions, Nimonkar contributed his mite and what is more he supervised the building operations. Baba would not let the workmen to go on with the work— as He complained of their work and undid their work. The building was long being prevented from completing even its foundation. Baba however had great trust in Nimonkar and Nimonkar hurried on the work all night when Baba slept at the chavadi. Baba showed His faith in Nimonkar by making him his banker during the years (1916-18) that he stayed with Baba. As funds came, Baba would hand them over to Nimonkar. Even Madhav Rao mistook them for gifts. Nimonkar stood in no need of gifts. He had about 500 rupees per annum from his estate his son somanath shankar deshpande Inspector of police in PUNE was sending him all moneys he required. Besides, Nimonkar also knew the truth of Baba's often repeated statement. "Fakir's money is forced away". If one grasped at and swallowed a Fakir's money, he will in due course have to disgorge it all, to the last pie. Nimonkar desired and got from Baba gifts superior to monetary gifts temporal and spiritual welfare. So Nimonkar paid up all the deposits for Baba's expenses. Baba himself frequently called upon him for these expenses e.g.(a) Burfi would have to be purchased and distributed as present (b) firewood on a large scale also had to be bought etc.. His children called him "Kaka,", so did the villagers; and so also Baba called him "Kaka".
Nimonkars daughter-in-law was on the family way and in September-October, 1916, her accouchement was expected Mr & Mrs. N. Nimonkar started for Poona to help in the accouchement and called en route at Shirdi. When they wanted leave to go to Poona, Baba refused. He told Nimonkar. on the other hand that the latter should stay by Baba's side, bury him and then leave Shirdi. Asked about the accouchement, Baba replied, "Why are you anxious? God will help". That meant of course that Baba undertook the safe delivery of the child and that Nimonkars stayed on.
At Poona, no preparations for helping the lady were made and when the pains began, she was taken about 10 p.m. to a hospital and there within an hour, in the total absence of help when even the attendant nurse was absent, a male child was born in good health. At about that time, Baba told Nana Saheb Nimonkar at Shirdi, "There was woman. She was taken to a place. There she was delivered safe of a male child". Here again as promised, God did help through Baba of course.
Mr. Somnath Shankar Deshpande, (C.I.D. Inspector at Poona), son of Nana Saheb Nimonkar, he started to go to Nimon in December 1917, his ancestral home where his brother's wife had been recently delivered of a child (Dutta Nimonkar). En route, he called at Shirdi and paid his respect to Baba. In sending him away, Baba gave him udhi as usual, but added the significant words "Porala Jiva Love" i.e., "Save the child". Mr. Somnath taking this to refer to his own healthy three years boy travelling with him, gave him the udhi and left for Nimon. Soon after he reached that place, his brother's new born baby was found to be in extreme bad health; and all hope of its life was given up. Then it struck him that Baba's parting words referred to this child and he looked for the udhi. But it was not to be found. Then taking the baby on his own lap, he intently prayed to Baba. In 15 minutes, the child began to revive and was at last restored to health. How kind of Baba to think of a devotee's child some 30 miles away from Shirdi and to take steps to save its life.
Later when the infant named Padmakar was to have darshan of Saideva when he was two months old. Deva Himself took the child in His lap and said "here is my Dutta" hence Padmakars name was changed.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Dwarakamai-Sai Leela: Devotees Who Started Worshipping Sai First

Devotees Who Started Worshipping Sai First

Devotees Who Started Worshipping Sai First


1.  Shama
2.  Mahalsapathy
3.  Baijabai
4.  Shimpi
5. Kumbhar
6. Laxshmibai
7. Dasganu
8. Sankaleacha
9. Chandorkar
10.Gopalrao Butty


Dwarakamai-Sai Leela: Baba On Ramayan Setu

Baba On Ramayan Setu

Baba On Ramayan Setu

Baba on ramayan setu
Once the following incident took place. Shama asked Sai Baba, " Kaya Re" ( a slang use in Marathi, to address the closest of friends, otherwise it would enrage the other person as a mark of disrespect). "Deva (Shama always use to address Sai Baba by Deva, meaning God) it is written in Ramayana that Lord Rama got a bridge built by 1 crore (10 million) monkeys. This bridge (is called Setu) spanned the sea, so Lord Rama and his troops could cross the sea and reach Lanka. There He waged war with Ravana and vanquished him. Deva, is this true."

Sai Baba replied, "Yes this is true. The sea is real and Lord Rama was really there."

Shama inquired, "Deva, where did so many monkeys sit? And how did they sit?

Sai Baba replied, "They sat on the trees and clung to the branches. They looked like myriads of ants."

Then Shama asked Sai Baba, which perhaps only he could lovingly dare, "Did You see this with your own eyes?"

Sai Baba replied, "Yes, yes I saw them with my own eyes. Alright Shama."

Shama again said what only he could lovingly dare, "When I first saw You, You hardly had a stubble of mustache (a popular way in India to suggest youngsters). Then how and when did You go to see 'Vanar Sena(troops of monkeys) Re.' "

Sai Baba replied, " Shamyaa (as He lovingly called Shama) you and I have been together for many generations. I remember them but you do not."

In wonders Shama asked, "How old were You then?"

Sai Baba, "Just as you see me now."

Shama could not grasp the immensity of this spiritual fact or truth. He persisted, "Is this really true?"

Sai Baba as always, "Have I ever lied sitting here in the Dwarkamai? What I say is true. I swear by you."
Once the following incident took place. Shama asked Sai Baba, " Kaya Re" ( a slang use in Marathi, to address the closest of friends, otherwise it would enrage the other person as a mark of disrespect). "Deva (Shama always use to address Sai Baba by Deva, meaning God) it is written in Ramayana that Lord Rama got a bridge built by 1 crore (10 million) monkeys. This bridge (is called Setu) spanned the sea, so Lord Rama and his troops could cross the sea and reach Lanka. There He waged war with Ravana and vanquished him. Deva, is this true."

Sai Baba replied, "Yes this is true. The sea is real and Lord Rama was really there."

Shama inquired, "Deva, where did so many monkeys sit? And how did they sit?

Sai Baba replied, "They sat on the trees and clung to the branches. They looked like myriads of ants."

Then Shama asked Sai Baba, which perhaps only he could lovingly dare, "Did You see this with your own eyes?"

Sai Baba replied, "Yes, yes I saw them with my own eyes. Alright Shama."

Shama again said what only he could lovingly dare, "When I first saw You, You hardly had a stubble of mustache (a popular way in India to suggest youngsters). Then how and when did You go to see 'Vanar Sena(troops of monkeys) Re.' "

Sai Baba replied, " Shamyaa (as He lovingly called Shama) you and I have been together for many generations. I remember them but you do not."

In wonders Shama asked, "How old were You then?"

Sai Baba, "Just as you see me now."

Shama could not grasp the immensity of this spiritual fact or truth. He persisted, "Is this really true?"

Sai Baba as always, "Have I ever lied sitting here in the Dwarkamai? What I say is true. I swear by you."

Friday 18 March 2011

Dwarakamai-Sai Leela: Sai & Raghuvir B. Purandhare

Sai & Raghuvir B. Purandhare

Sai & Raghuvir B. Purandhare

Raghuvir B. Purandhare     Part-1

I heard first of Sai Baba in 1909 and went to see him. I was always desirous of association with Sadhus, saintly people. I heard he was a Saint, so I felt attracted to him. He appeared in my dream and called me to Shirdi. At that time my elder daughter (aged then six months) was very ill and so my mother objected to my. going. I still presisted in going to Shirdi and I took my wife, that child and my mother with me to Shirdi. I remained there (first visit) for thirteen days. On the third day of my visit, the child got alright. Baba did not permit me to go back till the thirteenth day. I did not ask him about any matter. He told my mother that for seven centuries, he (Sai Baba) was connected with me. "I will not forget him, I will always remember him even if he is away more than 2000 miles. I will not eat even a bit without him," said Baba. Then I started away to Nasik with his permission. We went back to Dadar where I was living. My wife got an attack of cholera and the doctor gave her up as hopeless. I gave Baba's Udhi and Tirtha to her. I saw Baba at the side of Datta Mandir in front of my Dadar house and he ordered me to give the Udhi and Tirtha and so I gave her the Udhi and Tirtha. Half an hour later, she had recovered sufficient warmth and the doctor felt hopeful of her recovery and she recovered. Since then I visited Baba very often and stayed long periods at Shirdi in obedience to Baba's order. Baba would occasionally ask Mr.H.S.Dixit to write to me to go over. I have visited Baba often with Dixit. 

I went with no worldly motives, though I was very poor; I was an orphan. He told me to continue my previous Upasana. I was and am fond of worshipping Vishnu and of prayers. I continued the same. He asked me several times for Rs.2 only. Once I asked him what for he asked always for Rs.2. He then said, "It is not these Rupees I want. I want Nishta, i.e., concentrated faith and Saburi (patience)." I replied I had given these, faith in him and was patiently awaiting progress. He told me to keep up Nishta and to be strict and anxious to fulfil all promises I made. "You should have truth always with you. Then I will be always with you, wherever you are and at all times." I promised to try my best and wanted his help for controlling my mind. "Please get that done by me", I told him. He agreed. All this was at my very first visit. He then told me to buy my own house. I had only Rs.35 salary. By his grace, in three years time I got the house. At once as soon as he said "Buy," I purchased a plot and began to build and in three years, the building was finished at Bandra, wherein I am still living. "Do not ask for a single pie from anyone. I will help you myself." I was slow at first in building. He threw stones at me for my delay. Nana S.C. and H.S.Dixit offered to build it for me. But Baba would not permit it. I then took a loan from my office of Rs.500 and built it. It was a lonely building in a field. Baba said that he was sitting himself there and guarding me and my young wife. So I stayed on. I lost my wife in 1920.
He often insisted on my adherence to truth. I am now joint-treasurer of Baba's Samasthan. After Baba's demise, he would appear to me and order me to go and stay at Shirdi and attend to duties relating to Samasthan. I see and recognize his control over me in all details of what I have to do and am doing.
He directed me to co-operate with Kaka Saheb Dixit (i.e., H.S.Dixit) and told Kaka Saheb to cooperate with me. We two acted together as intimates.
He never talked to me of Dhyana. He never asked anybody to pray to him only. "Continue your usual prayers, be it to Shanker or to Vishnu," he said. He used to give Darshan to the devotee in that form, e.g., S. or V. or Goddess, whichever the devotee adored.

Thursday 17 March 2011

Dwarakamai-Sai Leela: Sai And His Loved Ones

Sai And His Loved Ones

Dwarakamai-Sai Leela: Dhuni

Dwarakamai-Sai Leela: Dhuni


Baba always maintained the "Dhuni" or the perpetual fire. The realisation that all the phenomenons of the nature are perishable and unworthy of our craving, is signified by "Udi" which Sal Baba distributed to all. Baba never left Shirdi. He talked to people who came to see Him. Sal Baba would often speak in symbols and parables leaving his devotees to work out the answer - such as, "A man had a beautiful horse, but no matter what he did, it would not run in harness. An expert suggested that it should be taken back to the place from where it had come. This was done and it become tracable and useful". The explanation of this story is that the horse is the Ego. As commander of the physical and mental powers of man, it is useful but self-willed and therefore cause endless trouble. Taking it back to its source is re-absorbing it in the spirit source which it arises. It is the return to the source which purifies and enlightens. From there the ego issues forth again, no longer an ego, but a conscious agent of the spirit. Baba would ask for Dakshina (money offered with respect to the Guru) from some of those who came to see Him. This was not because he needed their money. This was one of Baba's methods for testing out the devotee's attachment to worldly things and willingness to surrender his ego. Once one has surrendered himself totally to Him, Baba takes care of all His spiritual and temporal needs. Baba regarded money like everything else, in a symbolical manner. He once said, " I ask only from those who the fakir (God) points out and in exchange I give them ten times as much". By the end of the day, all the money Baba had earned was distributed to the destitute, poor, sick and the needy. Baba used to feed the fakirs and devotees and even cook for them. For those who were accustomed to meat, he cooked meat and for the others vegetarian fare.
The Dwarakamayee of Sai Baba was open to all, irrespective of caste, creed or religion. Among those who came to see him and got his darshan (establishing spiritual contact with the Guru) and blessings were ministers, government officials, business people and village folk. He was the common man's God. He Stayed with them, hejoked with them, He slept and ate with them, he smoked a chillum (pipe) with them, he sang and danced with them, having no pretensions of a God. But all of them Knew that He protected them. Even today, though He has left his gross body, they feel his presence and realise his worth all the more. Baba would also refer to the sounding of the drum of the beginning of eternity within the soul. This "anahat" sound emerged from Baba's heart from every limb, every bone and pore of his body. It was permeated with divine essence and Baba claimed that though one day his physical body will not exist, his remains will communicate with from the grave. Therefore, the most important place in Shirdi is Baba's temple - the Samadhi Mandir is his grave, which literally millions have visited and still continues to draw many more.


Dasganu was a great soul, the living monument of Baba's might and 
kindness. Many thousands learnt of Baba from him and have subsequently visited 
Baba or Shirdi and made Baba their own life long passion. 
      Baba used to call Ganpatrao Dattatreya Sahasrabuddhe viz. Dasganu as 
      Dasganu was one among the few who served Baba very intimately. He 
performed musical recitals (Bhajans and kirtan) at various places as his 
service to describe and sing Baba's glory to the people.
      Dasganu, by his splendid Kirtans, spread the fame of Baba in Maharashtra 
and Konkan (Bombay Presidency). 
      Thousands used to attend his Kirtans when he performed. It was always the 
practice of Dasganu to keep Baba's picture in front of the audience while 
singing the kirtan. 
      The effect of hearing Dasganu's kirtan on the minds of audience was 
electric.  Consequently Baba came to be known to many people as a God 
      The audience, who come to hear the Kirtans have different tastes. Some 
like the erudition of the Haridas; some his gestures, some his singing, some 
his wit and humour, some his preliminary dissertation on Vedanta, and some 
others, his main stories and so on; but among them, there are very few, who by 
hearing the Kirtan get faith and devotion or love for God or Saints. Dasganu 
made a major contribution to spirituality in Maharashtra by his Kirtans.
      Some of the devotees who came to know about Baba by listening Dasganu's 
kirtan were 'Damodar Rasne, Lala Lakshmichand, Ratanji Shapurji Vadiya of  
Nanded,  Cholkar, Santaram Balwant Nachne's father, Sri Narayan Asram Sanyasi, 
Ramchandra Sitaram Dev alias Balabhau or Balabhat, Balwant Hari Karnik, Vinayak 
Appaji Vaidya'.
      The difficulty of getting a new Haridas every year for Sri Rama Navami 
celebrations at Shirdi was finally solved by Sri Saibaba, as He entrusted this 
function to Dasganu Maharaj permanently from 1914.
      Initially Dasganu was an atheist and he himself said that to regard Baba 
as a God is an exaggeration. He came to Baba just to gain favour with Nanasaheb 
Chandorkar who was a high Govt. Official. 
      However his approach to Baba totally changed when (as witnessed and told 
by Dasganu) – Baba performed a miracle by making the streams of Ganges, and 
Yamuna appear from his toes. 
      Dasganu in His Sthavanamanjari expressed 'Sai's avatar did not only do 
good but also tranformed the evil into good'. 
      Dasganu did not accept Baba as his guru initially, as he had a brahmin 
guru by the name of 'Vaman Shahi Islampurkar', who had initiated him. 
Initially, Dasganu was a devotee of Lord Shiva, he later felt attracted to Lord 
Vithal of Pandari Pur. Sri Dasganu continued his sadhana (spiritual practice) 
in the warkari  tradition.
      Dasganu liked his 'Service' and playing in 'Tamasha'. But he ultimately 
gave them up on Baba's advice. 
      Dasganu was in active police service as a Havildar. On Baba's advice he 
resigned his service in 1903. 
      Even before 1903, his literary skill made him produce fine verses on 
Sivaji, the national hero, for use at the Ganapati utsava in Maharashtra. As 
verses on Sivaji rouse up patriotism and the National spirit, which the foreign 
rulers then in power dreaded, he was called on by his Inspector to explain how 
he, a Government servant, took this prominent part in helping a national 
      His answer was that he was an 'Asukavi, that verses in Lavani metre 
flowed out of him at the barest request of anybody and that at the request of 
some one he sang impromptu the song or verses on Sivaji. As a proof he offered 
to compose ex tempore verses on the officer himself at once. The officer wished 
to test the truth of the statement and asked him to do so. 
      Ganu's poetic genius was equal to the occasion. At once, he sang up the 
high qualities (real or fancied) of the officer, in lavani metre and in a few 
minutes there were numerous verses on the excellences of the officer who was 
greatly pleased and dropped the charge against Ganu.
      Dasganu was an eye witness for Baba's Wonderful wooden plank leela which 
happened about 1898. 
      Regarding this Dasganu stated, 'I myself saw Baba sleeping on a plank 
suspended from the ceiling by a few slender shreds of torn cloth. The wonder 
was how He got up that plank suspended so high i.e. 7 or 8 feet above the floor 
and 1 or 11/2 cubits below the roof. Four lamps were on it. People watched to 
see how He got up or climbed down but could never discover either that or how 
the plank supported him.'

Jai Sai ram.....